We are not very active on the Blog, but we are producing new pictures!

forgive us:), between work and deserved vacation time available to write on the blog has failed on the other hand we could have a bit of experience with the new CMOS camera, and we have produced at least 4 notable shots so far, even with the purchase of planishing APM/reducer Riccardi, which in addition to the correct field to the edge gave a shot of "light" to the SuperApo Triplet 130/910mmm to f/5 to 720 mm focal length. Also, after the nasty surprises of "random noise to rain" had while shooting in corsica with the DSLR, we have activated the dithering about shooting DSLR with Lacerta, with Mgen CMOS camera and driving with PHD2.

I refer you to images directly on Astrobin, which we wanted to "subscribe" because in Exchange for a modest expense, gives us the opportunity to enjoy and appreciate our work of astrophotography with fans from all over the world.

🙂 I hope you are pleased, and I hope that this summer we will make new ones and just as beautiful!

Clear skies,



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