Taking advantage of my upgrade to Sierra (Osx 10.12) and appreciating the fluidity of how he turns the system I have been wondering what program in astronomy and astrophotography have a Mac user and I found an interesting news that I was lost, being for much of my time on windows, namely:
a German amateur astronomer, has rebuilt Deepskystacker for Osx, porting is distinctly more voluminous, 200 MB vs MB:) and I have yet to test their processing times compared with a windows system, but it’s good news! this is the link to the page of his blog:
I also got a great mac version of eqmod, named “inventive”:D EQMAC, an Australian developer who has also integrated the ability to interface to Phpguiding and use the “pulse” guiding:
Here is a link to the homepage of the EQMac software:
As for the leadership of the telescope while shooting galleries, is available OpenPHDguiding (Phd2), very similar to PhdGuiding of Stark Labs because it is a fork of the same, and now both of you Opensource
This is the link to the OpenPHDguiding: http://openphdguiding.org/
and this is the link to PhDGuiding: http://www.stark-labs.com/phdguiding.html
Who needs to shoot with a DSLR can use the software free DSLR Shutter, and this is the page to download it: http://www.stark-labs.com/page26/DSLR_Shutter.html
As regards compatibility ASCOM, you created a cross-platform wrapper, called INDI Server, and the project page is: http://www.cloudmakers.eu/
For those who own a CCD is Mac Osx is there any problem but good news comes from an independent developer who developed the drivers that make many rooms Atik compatible with MacOSX, named NicksAtikDrivers, and here is a link to his page: https://stargazerslounge.com/blogs/blog/547-nicks-blogs-including-aosx-astronomy-on-osx/
Of course there is a port of FITS Liberator image FITS also to support native on OSX and download from the official page: http://www.spacetelescope.org/projects/fits_liberator/
Finally a tool worth mentioning is f.lux that allows you to calibrate your monitor brightness and temperature permitting the profiling and then recalibrate under different lights (e.g. daylight etc..) the link to the homepage of this software is as follows: https://justgetflux.com/news/pages/macquickstart/
Planetary Camera shooting can be done with Oacapture, which you can download at this link: http://www.openastroproject.org/downloads/
Or with macam, software that makes it compatible on mac so many rooms, what is the link to the list: http://webcam-osx.sourceforge.net/cameras/
While stacking planetary images we have available Keiths image stacker, and this is the address of the homepage to download it: http://keithwiley.com/software/keithsImageStacker.shtml
Finally, from a blog of German amateur astronomer who has ported by DSS on osx, I found this interesting news, a method of which I had never heard of and I want to tell you, that is with a software called SparkoCam and PHPGuiding it makes it possible to guide the telescope using a DSLR camera subordinate to that of recovery. I’m not sure how convenient for weight and accuracy but I wanted to report it, here is a link to the article:
and here is a link to download sparkocam: http://sparkosoft.com/sparkocam
That’s all for now, I will update this post as I discover new things:)